fertilizer prices today, March 25, 2022: Fertilizer prices of all kinds have stagnated at high levels. There is news that factories will issue new price increases in late March and early April for URE fertilizer. Manufacturers and traders are actively offering URE for export. The fertilizer price index has increased by 30% since the beginning of 2022 and has surpassed the peak of 2008. Farmers around the world are being “punished” because fertilizer prices have skyrocketed to an all-time high, raising concerns about global food shortages. The current level of food insecurity is unprecedented since World War II… This is the warning of Mr. David M. Beasley, Executive Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Accordingly, the agricultural sector has been heavily affected by geopolitical tensions and the political reaction in Russia to Western sanctions. Global average fertilizer prices are now 40% higher than a month ago, before the escalation of geopolitical tensions. Global urea prices have increased by 60.5% over the past year. Meanwhile, global potash prices have begun to rise sharply since 2021 when the West imposed sanctions on Belarus. Currently, potash prices are approaching the threshold of 800/ton, double the same period last year. The high fertilizer prices show the level of dependence of the world’s agriculture on Russian fertilizer exports. Countries that have been affected by food insecurity are now at risk of further production bottlenecks and food shortages at the worst possible time. “Russia and Ukraine account for more than 50% of the world’s sunflower oil supply and 30% of wheat. At the same time, it plays a key role in the supply chain of fertilizers, which are essential for agriculture and are mainly produced from gas. Currently, the high price of fertilizers is seriously affecting agricultural production and aggravating the global food crisis. “Mr. David M. Beasley, Executive Director of FAO. FAO warned that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is causing a crisis in the global fertilizer industry, which will cause a global famine because the agricultural supply chain is affected by geopolitical conflicts. Severe food insecurity is plaguing dozens of countries across Latin America, Central Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia due to conflict and erratic environmental conditions… #fertilizer_price #farmers #western #fertilizer_price #fertilizer #potassium_price #agriculture #fertilizer #agricultural supplies