rice prices today, August 13, 2022: Many positive prospects in the African and Chinese markets. Today’s rice prices in the Mekong Delta provinces remained stable. Last week, rice exports to the African and Chinese markets were quite positive. According to traders, the amount of rice arriving today was less, warehouses bought slowly, and selected rice. The summer-autumn rice market remained stable, but transactions were less. Last week, prices of all types of rice decreased slightly, with glutinous and broken glutinous rice showing an upward trend. In the world market, the export prices of Vietnamese rice remained stable. Specifically, the price of 5% broken rice was at 393 USD/ton; 25% broken rice was 378 USD/ton; 100% broken rice was 383 USD/ton. Import prices of all types of rice recorded a slight decrease compared to last week. In the first 10 days of August, the amount of rice cleared to Malaysia and the Philippines was quite low while the African and Chinese markets had many positive prospects. Specifically, the African market had a strong increase in output with the varieties Dai Thom 8 and OM 18. In the Chinese market, customers asked to buy more Long An sticky rice. In the Korean market, the number of orders for OM 5451 is stable according to the second bidding package. #giagao #nongnghiep #nhanong #mientay #rice #gaonguyenlieu #gaothanhpham