rice price today October 10, 2022: Increased rice demand keeps rice prices high rice prices today in the Mekong Delta remain stable. Currently, rice demand remains high as countries increase purchases. Low supply pushes rice prices up and stays high. In the world market, export rice prices remain stable compared to yesterday. According to the Vietnam Food Association, the export price of 5% broken rice is at 428 USD/ton, 25% broken rice is at 408 USD/ton. Many businesses said that rice demand is still increasing as the Philippines will import more to make up for the shortage caused by recent storms. The Philippines is currently Vietnam’s largest rice buyer. Meanwhile, domestic supply is low as the summer-autumn harvest is about to end. Businesses forecast that rice export prices may increase further in the coming weeks as supply is scarce due to adverse weather in some rice-growing countries and demand increases, especially from China. #rice price #agriculture #nhanong #mientay #rice #gaonguyenlieu #gaothanhpham #giagaohomnay #giagaole